Moths on the night of 1st/2nd May

Tony Morris tonymorris at
Mon May 3 05:56:56 EDT 1999

I caught the following at my MV trap. The Cinnabar was a surprise as I
thought they were not out until the end of May. Th site is a garden in
urban Crayford, just inside "Greater London".

The Streamer         Anticlea derivata            2
Broom-tip               Chesias fufata                 1
Brindled Pug          Eupithecia abbreviata    2
Brimstone Moth     Opishograptis luteolata  6
Lime Hawk-moth   Mimas tiliae                     1
Muslin Moth            Diaphora mendica         4
The Cinnabar        Tyria jacobaeae              2
Pine Beauty           Panolis flammea             1
Hebrew Character Orthosia bothica             1
Early Grey              Xylocampa areola          3
Nut Tree Tussock Colocasia coryli              1
Silver Y                  Autographa gamma        1

Tony Morris
134 Station Road, Crayford, DA1 3QQ
LNHS Kent Sector Ornithology Recorder

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