Reference needed

Phil Schappert philjs at
Mon May 3 15:50:21 EDT 1999

On 30 Apr 1999 14:19:46 -0700, cbrdar at (C.Brdar)
>Do any butterfly biologists out there have a reference for a paper that came
>out about 15 years ago in one of the major journals called "sun-patches as
>resources" or something like that?

Hi Corrina,

I think you're looking for

Davies, N.B. (1978) Territorial Defence in the Speckled Wood Butterfly
(Pararge aegeria): the resident always wins. Animal Behaviour 26:


Dr. Phil Schappert

Section of Integrative Biology,     Stengl-Lost Pines Biological Station, 
School of Biological Sciences       University of Texas,
University of Texas,                401 Old Antioch Rd, 
Austin, TX 78712-1064               Smithville, TX 78957 
Office/Lab: 512-471-8240            Station: 512-237-3864
Fax: 512-471-9651                   Fax: 512-237-3864 (call ahead) 

mailto:philjs at

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