Reference needed

Esther Cornelius JayAndEstherC at
Mon May 3 23:00:14 EDT 1999

the topic of butterfly territoriality is one that has never been
clarified for me:  Rumor has it that lepidoptera are not agressive the
way people ( or practically every other vertebrate and arthropod ) are,
so we're anthropmorphizing lepidoptera behavior to call it something
we'd recognise, but what else could it be?
It looks agressive to me when an Adelpha buzzes a blue jay. I dare
someone to demonstrate that the Adelpha dosen't know what it's doing and
that a street racer does. Maybe the default survival strategy is to make
the jay question whether the meal is worth the effort to catch. But the
default survival straegy in street raceing is to reward hormone induced
coordination with endomorphins, which leads to self confidence in
pushing the envelope. In my opinnon, the similarities out weigh the

any comments?

Bill Cornelius

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