Overwintering butterfly sitings (UK)
P. Stadel Nielsen
fdki_ at post2.tele.dk
Fri May 7 13:41:14 EDT 1999
"Martin Hough" <mothman at vossnet.co.uk> wrote:
>Does anyone share my suspicion that the cold two weeks in April in Southern
>England seem to have wiped out most of the Brimstones (Gonepteryx rhamni)
>that overwintered? I've hardly seen one since.
Hi all,
Also here in Denmark, the number of overwintering butterflies is
extremely low. This is especially noticeable with G. rhamni, A.
urticae and V. antiopa.
Even rhamni was very abundant in autumn, we hardly see any now. Even
in areas where I normally see 20-30 in a small area in 2 hours, I saw
only 2 males and one female last week-end. The same is reported by
other people. Urticae is also extremely low in number, but this could
be caused by the wet and cold summer/autumn having killed the larvae.
Also Inachis io is quite low in number.
My guess is, that the heavy and swift fluctuations in temperature in
January and February may have killed most hibernating butterflies
especially species in unprotected places as just rhamni. We had
temperature changes from +7 to minus 10 in 24 hours several times this
winter. It can hardly be the cold period in april, as we had a few
summerdays April 3-5. with temps abt. 18 dg. and even then nothing was
Was this the case in England?
Usually here in DK, we see rhamni as one of the first butterflies in
March flying on the first warm days, but when it gets colder, as it is
now, it hides just to re-appear later when the weather gets warmer.
Per Stadel Nielsen
<fdki at post2.tele.dk>
Skovskellet 35 A
DK - 2840 Holte
"All butterflies must have happy homes"
(L.G. Higgins)
Per Stadel Nielsen
<fdki at post2.tele.dk>
Skovskellet 35 A
DK - 2840 Holte
"All butterflies must have happy homes"
(L.G. Higgins)
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