Butterflying Across America

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Mon May 10 02:15:40 EDT 1999

Well, sort of.

On Wednesday, May 5, I started on a business trip from L.A. to Houston via
auto.  I'll be posting a number of field reports along the way, breaking
each one out in some detail.  You may not be interested, but then that
hasn't stopped me before...

Actually, LEPS-L gives me a quick way to document what I see, which
sometimes helps when I forget to write in my notebook (or can't find it,
etc.).  The archives have saved me on at least a few occasions when it comes
to labeling time.  So, you see, if you haven't appreciated my field reports
in the past - how much more will you be upset when you find that they are
due partly on account of my lack of organizational skills!  Oh well.  It's a
great forum at any rate.

Wednesday, May 5:

Stopped near Idyllwild, CA on my way to Phoenix.  Warmer day than previous
week, but I didn't arrive at the location until after 4:00 p.m.  I found an
abundance of Lycaeides (I guess it's melissa, but it doesn't have the
typical orange scaling on the forewing underside).  Nothing else, but it was
a surprise to find so many Lycaenidae flying so late in the day.  Lots of
Paintbrush in bloom.

Mark Walker.

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