leps in china
kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Mon May 10 07:05:38 EDT 1999
Collecting in China is subject to many problems for overseas visitors,
not least of which is getting material out of China - like it's illegal
for non-Chinese! (The Chinese don't like their material going overseas -
partly as they feel that there are sufficient capable taxonomists and
curators to deal with the stuff in China, which I find difficult to
believe based on the publications they produce, and also due to problems
of accessing their material once it's gone, a financial problem here in
that they can't afford overseas visits). Material hosed in Chinese
collections is not normally made available for loan outside China,
either. If you do want to collect, be prepared to fill out many permits
(Govt., local Govt., Forestry Inst., local research Inst., nature
reserves and so on). Bribery is still rife in China, so be prepared for
this. There is also much "political" infighting between Govt.
departments, as a result of the Chinese concept of not being seen to
loose "face" over some (often insignificant) matter, which may result in
one party granting a permit and then another subsequently refusing to
accept the permit and confiscate your material. It is very frustrating
and is why I've limited my work to Hong Kong (not being a Chinese
National), from where it is a relatively straightforward process to do
research involving collecting of Lep. material.
Probably the most likely way of getting permission would be through some
kind of scientific research project undertaken in collaboration with a
university from the area you intend to visit.
C. Wernicke wrote:
> anybody done any collecting in china? leps or otherwise? any
> advice/suggestions (aside from longhorn beetle warnings)?
Demonstrator / Ph.D. Student
Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
mailto:kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
mailing address:
Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long, New Territories, HONG KONG
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