Observations for May 14th 1999

yanb yanb at globetrotter.net
Fri May 14 19:28:45 EDT 1999

There are my observations for today, 14/05/1999
(St-Fabien, Rimouski, PQ)
Papilio polyxenes asterius;  1 ( 2-3 weeks earlier than normal)
Celastrina ladon lucia f.marginata; 8 males, 2 females (+1 not caught)
Celastrina ladon lucia f.lucia; 2 males, 2 females
Celastrina ladon lucia f. violacea; 1 female
Incisalia augustinus augustinus; 2 males, 1 female, 2 "unknown" (because
was flying or not caught)
Polygonia progne; 1
Crassiuscula caenurgina; 1
Aglais milberti; 1
Artogeia rapae;1 male

The bad weather of the last 3-4 days (snow May 12th...yark!) didn't
seem  to affect the flight of most species.  In addition to that, some
species are very earlier than normal.  I expect the warm weather of last
week to be responsible of that.  In fact, the temperatures were way
higher than normal for 9 days (25-30°C, normal is 12-15°C...).  The
early appearence of Papilio polyxenes asterius is remarkable.  It's the
first time in 9 years that I observe this specie at this time of year.
That's the same thing for Incisalia augustinus.  Probably others species
will be affect by the warm weather of last week, more than the cool one
of this week.

Also, because foliage came out so early (2-3 weeks earlier than normal),
it's possible that species seen in June normaly will be seen in May.
The caterpillars have their food earlier so their developement will be
affected the same way than trees : they will finish their developpement


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