Species list for Mt. Graham

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
Mon May 24 11:27:47 EDT 1999

Visited the upper elevations (9000'+) of Mt Graham in SE Arizona
yesterday.  While there were a few flowers, it was extremely dry and only saw
singletons of most species.

Silver-spotted skipper --- Epargyreus clarus huachuca 
Mexican Cloudywing Skipper --- Thorybes mexicanus dobra 
Western tiger Swallowtail --- Papilio rutulus arizonesis
Thicket Hairstreak --- Mitoura spinetorum
Mylitta Crescent --- Phyciodes mylitta thebais (3)
Mourning Cloak --- Nymphalis anitopa antiopa

Photos of all species can be found at our SE Arizona butterfly webiste--

Bruce Walsh

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