Does Bt pollen spread?

SueJensen sue_jensen at
Thu May 27 01:47:58 EDT 1999

In article <374B9CDB.3A1B at>,
  paulcher at CONCENTRIC.NET wrote:
> Dan Fosha wrote:
> > In the US, genetically engineered crops have already
> > contaminated a shipment of organically grown corn for chips
> > produced by the Wisconsin company, Terra Prima. The chips
> > were found to be contaminated after they were shipped to
> > Europe and tested there - costing the company several
> > hundred thousand dollars.
> The irony here is that the FINANCIAL interests of the organic farming
> industry, that champions the concept of a zero tolerance of synthetic
> pesticide use are interfering with the introduction of a new farming
> technology (Genetically Modified Crops) that will dramatically reduce
> conventional pesticide use and its associated impacts on the
> environment.
> Paul Cherubini, Placerville, California

Excuse me??  'Round-up Ready' soy and rapeseed don't sound to me like
products designed to reduce conventional pesticide use.

The poisonous corn is supposed to produce a pesticide-equivalent, from what
I've heard.  People have also commented that this will produce immunity in
the target bugs.

If you work in this area, Paul, why don't you go for a career change?  Or are
you happy helping the multinationals rape the rest of us?

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