Del Rio, TX - May 21

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Thu May 27 15:08:53 EDT 1999

Mark Walker wrote:
> On my way back to California last week (even though I'm back in Texas at the
> moment), I couldn't resist stopping again in Del Rio, TX.  Similar
> conditions (a little rain and much cloud cover) with plenty of butterflies.
> I only bother to post again just to mention the appearance of a few new
> species.  I've listed the repeats only because I know there is someone out
> there who would like to know what might be currently flying...  You are out
> there, aren't you?

You never seem to see Danaids Mark. If you are making this CA to TX trip
again you might drive north of Las Cruces, NM along the Rio Grande
River. Take some side roads off the main road and look in and around the
irrigated horse pastures. Asclepias subverticillata is common in such
settings are should attract Monarchs and Queens.
The milkweed stands out in the pastures because the livestock won't eat

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