Book ordering phone problem

Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX Norbert.Kondla at
Thu May 27 15:07:33 EDT 1999

My most humble and abject apologies, I forgot to update the area code for
ordering the book from Federation of Alberta Naturalists.  It is an
unfortunate fact that area codes in North America have been subject to
numerous changes and that not all phone service providers keep their systems
totally up to date so you would have had problems anyway it seems.
Fortunately there is another alternative to snail mail. Use their e-mail
address which I foolishly forgot to include:  fan at

> ----------
> From: 	Jim Mason[SMTP:jemason at]
> Sent: 	Thursday, May 27, 1999 10:02 AM
> To: 	Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
> Subject: 	say what?
> I tried the phone # for FAN and was told the area code had changed to 780.
> When I dialed the new version, I was told my call could not be completed
> as
> dialed.
> Please check to see what the current situation is.  I cannot find it on
> the
> web either.
> My Visa is dying to purchase your book for ~$18 US + S&H!
> Jim Mason
> jemason at

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