Photos of SE Arizona habitats

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Fri May 28 11:56:37 EDT 1999

At the risk of offending people by not discussing BT-corn, here's a
little something to wet your appetite for observing/photographing/collecting. 
I've just place some additional photos of classic SE Arizona
butterflying/birding sites on my Southeastern Arizona Mountain Ranges and Natural
Habitats webpages,

In particular, I've placed photos from my recent trip to Mt Graham, at

Since these are digital photos, no toxic chemicals were used.  However,
billions of electrons were temporarily inconvenienced for my pleasure. 
Alas, since this required electrical power, I did increase global warming. 
However, if I could trap into a nuclear power plant, I could avoid
generating all those nasty green-house gases (like the ones I'm presently
breathing all over my office, namely H_2O and CO_2)



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