Eastern tiger swallowtails

Ted Ryznar tryznar at mail.cosmosbbs.com
Mon May 31 21:12:24 EDT 1999

Anybody have any experience in getting tigers to deposit their ova in
captivity? We are feeding them twice daily, have fresh host plant branches
in the flight /emergence cage daily, put in fresh cut flowers daily(I
sometimes feel as if I am dating them) and try to have the cage in an area
where a little sunlight enters especially in AM. They are also in a room
that stays 70 to 75. I have read that it takes several days in captitiy
before they start to deposit ova. Also is it necessary to have sun light(or
artificial sunlight) in the cage for most of the day? Ova is depositied on
the leaves of the host plant I assume?  Same questions for spicebush
swallowtail. thanks for any help.

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