Chris J. Durden drdn at
Wed Nov 24 18:02:23 EST 1999

At 01:38  24/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Chris Durden wrote:
>>   So many naughty things have evolved out there that surely 
>> it would be
>> wicked to suggest a guided hand?
>Thanks for throwing the cream pie.  Don't know if you were intending on
>being funny, but I sure found it so.  Creationists do have a sense of humor,
>after all.  So does God, I believe.
>Wickedness is part of human nature, I'm afraid.  It didn't evolve - it was
>chosen.  We continue to make that choice - every day.  It is the same choice
>we make when we choose not to acknowledge the Creator.  The ugliness of the
>world is merely the consequence of refusing His council.  We have no one to
>blame but ourselves, for we are too proud to bow our knees and seek His
>wisdom, His compassion, His peace, His joy, His love.
>If anyone finds this message repulsive, I implore you to ponder the
>condition of your own heart.  Need a tune up?  I know of a positive energy
>source which is guaranteed and everlasting.
>Mark Walker. 
  Unfortunately we have not yet devised an instrument to scientifically
measure good and evil so there are some who think this is an artificial or
irrelevant concept. I however ate a lot of berries from an *Arbutus unedo*
tree in my youth and I think the experience honed my perceptive senses. I
perceive good and evil to be filters that we are free to choose while
interpreting our perceptions. Once one has learned how to choose, maybe
with a little help from Prozac, the choice of the rewarding state is easy.
This has little to do with the age of the universe or evolution although it
is a product of the latter. Also, if evil is not chosen, Is it still there?
  Yes I often write partially, but not totally in jest.
.............Chris Durden

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