Geometrid spp. tribal placements

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at
Tue Sep 7 01:17:32 EDT 1999

I am currently compiling lists of the moth species from Hong Kong in
taxonomic placement within tribes for the Geometridae, basing this upon
volumes 10 (Sterrhinae & Larentiinae) and 11 (Ennominae) of the Moths of
Borneo (Holloway, 1997, 1993[4]). Between these volumes and various
others available to me in Hong Kong, I can place most genera that occur
in HK, but the following have defeated me and I would appreciate some
help with tribal placement and generic affiliation of the following
spp., please (all assistance will be acknowledged in any subsequent
publications and in my thesis):

Geometridae: Larentiinae:-

    Chaetolopha Warren, 1899 (is this placed before or after Asthena
Hübner, [1825]?)

 unplaced to tribe
    Acolutha  Warren, 1894
    Loxofidonia  Packard, 1876
    Microcalcarifera  Inoue, 1982
    Orthonama  Hübner, [1825]
    Pseudeuchlora (author and date??)

Geometridae: Ennominae:-

 unplaced to tribe
    Anectropis (author and date??)
    Antipercnia  Inoue, 1992
    Heteralex  Warren, 1894
    Menophora  Moore, [1887]
    Obeidia  Walker, 1862
    Pseudonadagara (author and date??)
    Zethenia  Motchulsky, [1861]



  Demonstrator / Ph.D. Student
  Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
  mailto:kendrick at

mailing address:
  Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong
  Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long, New Territories, HONG KONG

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