b-fly releases at events

Anthony Cynor acynor at fullerton.edu
Wed Sep 22 14:50:38 EDT 1999

I don't think this is detrimental, except to your activities which are of what


Kenelm Philip wrote:

>         Linda Scott, after noting that 'permits are required in order to
> PREVENT non-native species from being released', queried:
> .
> > So, please tell me how releases are detrimental and who determined this
> > from what proven facts.
> In Fairbanks, Alaska, schools are raising Painted Ladies (_V. cardui_) and
> then releasing the adults outdoors, since the children can't bear the idea
> of killing them. However, there are historical records of _V. cardui_ having
> reached Alaska under its own power. Now that the species (which is not
> native to Alaska as far as being a breeding resident goes) is regularly
> being released within the state, it is no longer possible to check for
> its natural occurrence here.
>                                                         Ken Philip
> fnkwp at uaf.edu

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