b-fly releases at events
Anthony Cynor
acynor at fullerton.edu
Wed Sep 22 16:45:50 EDT 1999
They don't have any it is just opinion.
Linda Rogers wrote:
> At 04:08 AM 9/22/1999 GMT, you wrote:
> >Jim; Please pass on to the initial author that butterflies should not be
> released in any kind of ceremony, no matter where they are from. They may
> not be native to that particular habitat, or part of Wisconsin, or
> whatever. Both NABA and the Lep Society have been trying very hard to stop
> the releasing of butterflies at ceremonies. It is a well intended but
> potentially detrimental
> practice. Mike Smith
> >
> ----------------------------------
> Mike: Would you please tell me what evidence you, NABA, Lep Society base
> this recommendation on? Butterflies are released after being shipped to a
> person from a breeder that is permitted by USDA to ship them, only certain
> species to certain states/areas. The permits are required in order to
> PREVENT non-native species from being released. That blows a hole in THAT
> part of the opinion. So, please tell me how releases are detrimental and
> who determined this from what proven facts. Linda Rogers
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