Convolvulus Hawk Moths (Agrius convolvuli) in UK

Chris Raper triocomp at
Tue Sep 28 08:14:54 EDT 1999

On 28 Sep 1999 03:45:33 -0700, e.d.chesmore at E-ENG.HULL.AC.UK (Dave
Chesmore) wrote:

>I heard of one found on someone's drive in Rudston near Bridlington in
>Yorkshire last week (sorry I don't have the date).

Hi Dave

I haven't heard of any in my area (South Oxon) but I was wondering how
this compares to previous years? Is convolvuli a reasonably frequent
visitor to the UK or is this influx unusual? 

I only ask because I have been thinking that 1999 has been a
particularly bad year for migrants. So far I haven't seen any of the
usual things (Clouded Yellow etc).

Best wishes,
Chris R.

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