H. armigera migration in Europe

Andrew Mitchell am16 at ualberta.ca
Thu Sep 30 13:46:17 EDT 1999

Helicoverpa armigera does not occur in North America. The North American H.
zea is inseparable without dissecting out the genitalia (either male or
female will do). If you really want to check out the possibility that you
have H. zea  (highly unlikely) you need to do some dissections.  Let me
know if you need details of the genitalic differences.


>Hi all leppers i Europe.
>At the moment, we have the largest immigration of Heliothis armigera
>in Denmark ever recorded. So far about 20 specimens have been found,
>mainly on sugar ropes and in the southern part of the country. They
>suddenly appeared on September 25th and they are still found. Several
>vere females full of eggs.
>Has this species appeared in unusual high numbers in North-vestern
>Europe, as Northern France, Southern England, Holland or Belgium? From
>the weather maps, it is quite clear that they come from this
>direction, but could they have come even from the States like D.
>We also had a huge immigration of Scinia scutosa from the Black Sea
>area reaching Denmark in the period of September 6-12, and a few are
>still found here. If you are interested in following migrations and
>other findings in Denmark and Sweden, you should have a look at our
>report page
>Per Stadel Nielsen
><fdki_nospam_ at post2.tele.dk> (remove _nospam_)
>Skovskellet 35 A
>DK - 2840 Holte
>"All butterflies must have happy homes"
>(L.G. Higgins)


                                                \   /
Andrew Mitchell                        _____     \ /     _____
Department of Biological Sciences     /     `)_  O^O  _(`     \
CW-405 Biological Sciences Building  /         \( = )/         \
University of Alberta               (           ( = )           )
Edmonton, T6G 2E9                    <---------//_=_\\--------->
Canada                                \       / |___| \       /
                                       \     /  |___|  \     /
Phone: (780) 492-0587                   *___~   |___|   ~___*
Fax: (780) 492-9234                              \_/
E-mail: am16 at ualberta.ca                          U


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