wind-tunnel and anaesthetize

Koen Berwaerts berwaert at
Thu Apr 6 03:35:53 EDT 2000

Dear all,

Can anyone give me some practical details or share experiences in:
-using tethered butterflies in a wind tunnel  (for measurement of speed,
endurance, kinematics, ...)
-and anaesthetize butterflies for tethering (ether vapour, CO2,
electro-immobilizing, ...) ?

With kind regards,

Koen Berwaerts
Laboratory of Animal Ecology
Department of Biology
University of Antwerp (U.I.A.)
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp) - Belgium
Tel.: +32 3 820 22 62 - Fax.: +32 3 820 22 71
E-mail: berwaert at

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