missing info.

Stanley Cabigas juwaki at pacific.net.ph
Tue Apr 11 10:49:43 EDT 2000

Hope this helps:

1. Phalanta phalanta luzonica Fruhstorfer [date]

With the subspecies luzonica, I believe that this is a Philippine species
(from Luzon Island). However, all Philippine occurrences of this species
have already been grouped under Phalanta phalanta phalanta (Drury 1773)

2. Cupha arias dapartana Grose-Smith [date]

It should read: Cupha arias dapatana Grose-Smith 1887

3. Vagrans egista sinha Kollar [date]

Recent groupings for Philippine species: Vagrans sinha sinha Kollar 1844

4. Rhinopalpa polynice stratonice Felder [1867]

5. Paduca fasciata palloris Fruhstorfer [1900]

juwaki at pacific.net.ph

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