Early Ontario Red Admiral Sighting

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 19 13:14:07 EDT 2000

  Was the red admiral fresh and a local hatchling, or was it faded or worn
and a possible immigrant from the South.
  I remember early springs in early amd mid May on Ile Perrot, 25 miles SW
of Montreal, when there were scores and once hundreds of red admirals (worn
and faded) striking out from the point on the North shore of Ile Perrot
(where I lived at the time) across the Lake of Two Mountains to Oka. On
several occasions I paddled under the butterflies all the way to the
infamous Club de Golf at Oka. I never witnessed any comparable movement in
the fall.
.....Chris Durden (Ancien coureur de bois).

At 11:55  19/04/00 GMT, you wrote:
>Caroline King of Toronto (and member of the Toronto Entomologists'
>Association) spotted a red admiral butterfly on a very warm Saturday
>(April 15th) at Presqu'ile Provincial Park, near Brighton, Ontario,  on
>the north shore of Lake Ontario, about 150 km east of Toronto.  44.00 N,
>77.34 W
>This sighting follows the early and record early sighting trends we have
>seen all spring for many species flora and fauna.
>Don Davis
>Toronto, ON

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