Butterflies of the world list - Bridges' efforts
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Wed Apr 26 21:52:09 EDT 2000
I believe the Natural History Book Sellers have all his volumes listed on
their website. His widow I believe is still selling the books.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Shuey <jshuey at tnc.org>
To: leps <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: April 26, 2000 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Butterflies of the world list - Bridges' efforts
>Before he died, a guy named Bridges (Illinois Natural History Survey)
complied an electronic database of all
>published butterfly names (including the original citation for the
descriptions and revisions!). He printed
>and sold these as publications himself, and now that he is gone they are
not available. Hopefully, some-one -
>somewhere, saved the files. I purchased two of the volumes, and which I
had the all of them - they are truly
>invaluable. I'd be even more happy if I had the electronic database that
generated these volumes.
>Does anybody know the story? Is it possible that these files still survive
and could be put online?
>John Shuey
>Markku Savela wrote:
>> In article <Pine.GSO.4.10.10004261015220.7933-100000 at asrr>
nschiff at asrr.arsusda.gov (Nathan Schiff) writes:
>> > A friend of mine is trying to catalalog a worldwide butterfly
>> > collection and is wondering if anyone has a list of the names of all
>> > butterflies on some appropriate program.
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