Butterflies field guide ?

Heath, Fred Fred.Heath at power-one.com
Thu Aug 3 14:49:24 EDT 2000

Dear Christophe,
	It would be helpful to know which area of the North America you were
interested in. There are many areas that have good local books and depending
where you will be the folks on this list can suggest the best local books. 
	The Peterson Guides (West and East) each only cover half of North
America .  If you were interested in only eastern North America (but not
extreme southern Texas) I would recommend Jeff Glassberg's "Butterflies
Through Binoculars-- Eastern Edition" (there is no Western Edition yet). For
the West the Peterson Guide is your best choice overall, but make sure you
get the new edition written by Paul Opler. 
----Best regards, Fred

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	CGH [SMTP:cgh at ifrance.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, August 03, 2000 9:17 AM
> To:	leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject:	Butterflies field guide ?
> Hello,
> What North America butterflies guide recommend you me (not too expensive
> :))
> ?
> Is Peterson field guide enough complete ?
> Regards,
> Christophe GÜNST HORN

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