Regal Fritillary, Extinct in Mass

Niklas Wahlberg niklas.wahlberg at
Fri Aug 18 05:37:59 EDT 2000

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An excellent site for North American butterflies!

NewtChris wrote:
> I recently heard that the Regal Fritillary has just been removed from the Mass.
> endangered species list.  Saddly due to extinction in the area.
> I have been unable to find any pictures of this butterfly and any details as to
> why it has dwindled to extinction or why it has been usuccessfully raised in
> captivity.  I remember raising Great Spangled Fritillaries as a kid.  I assume
> they are different species, but come to think of it, I haven't seen any Great
> Spangles around either.  Is there a dwindling of this family in general?
> Would love to hear any information about these developments from anyone who
> knows any details. I'd esp like to find a photo of the Regal Fritillary. I
> can't seem to find any in the field guides I currently own.
> Chris


   Niklas Wahlberg                          
   Metapopulation Research Group
   Department of Ecology and Systematics    
   Division of Population Biology           
   PO Box 17 (Arkadiankatu 7)               
   00014 University of Helsinki
   p. +358-9-191 28778, fax +358-9-191 28701

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