Monarch ignorance

Don Gorney inbirder at
Sun Aug 20 10:15:29 EDT 2000

When I picked up the August 2000 "Attache" magazine
while aboard a U.S. Airways flight, I was amazed at
the cover story.  The cover story is "Flying with
nature's most splendid emigrants" - a story about
Monarchs.  But, the cover photo is of a fritillary
(Atlantis?).  Inside the magazine, there are a handful
of photos, but the full page photo on page 52 is of a
Gulf Fritillary!  

It would seem that Pace Commuications, which publishes
the magazine for U.S. Airways, would at least ask for
Monarch photos from whomever they bought the photos
from.  Worst yet, the article is by Robert Michael
Pyle whom I would assume is shaking his head at the
use of fritillary photos for his article.  

A image of the August 2000 cover can be seen (for now)
at    The e-mail address for the
magazine is attacheair at   I would be interested
in knowing the fritillary species that is on the front

Don Gorney

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