Monarch ignorance

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Sun Aug 20 15:35:10 EDT 2000

I was about to make the identical remark. 
A lovely, poetical article by Pyle, of course, and a splendid photo of
whatever on the front, but somehow it left one wondering. 
As I had been waiting for seven hours at National Airport, Washington
D.C., I had seen quite a few butterflies and dragonflies, though not
necessarily well enough to identify. They plunge down to check out the
yellow traffic stripe on the pavement (I think); then fly off pretending
they had some more sensible goal. 
A couple of Monarchs, anyway. 
It's a pretty bug on the cover, but I haven't the foggiest ... 
Anne Kilmer
back in South Florida

Don Gorney wrote:
> When I picked up the August 2000 "Attache" magazine
> while aboard a U.S. Airways flight, I was amazed at
> the cover story.  The cover story is "Flying with
> nature's most splendid emigrants" - a story about
> Monarchs.  But, the cover photo is of a fritillary
> (Atlantis?).  Inside the magazine, there are a handful
> of photos, but the full page photo on page 52 is of a
> Gulf Fritillary!
> It would seem that Pace Commuications, which publishes
> the magazine for U.S. Airways, would at least ask for
> Monarch photos from whomever they bought the photos
> from.  Worst yet, the article is by Robert Michael
> Pyle whom I would assume is shaking his head at the
> use of fritillary photos for his article.
> A image of the August 2000 cover can be seen (for now)
> at    The e-mail address for the
> magazine is attacheair at   I would be interested
> in knowing the fritillary species that is on the front
> cover.
> Don Gorney
> Indianapolis
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