Factors affecting the colouration in certain Nymphalids & Pierids
Richard Worth
rworth at oda.state.or.us
Thu Feb 3 16:47:24 EST 2000
A friend of mine, Jaret Daniels, recently finished his PhD
dissertation in 1999 at the Univ. of Florida on this very subject. I
believe it dealt with all the factors affecting seasonal
polymorphisms (polyphenism) in Eurema daira and Eurema lisa
(Pieridae) in Florida. You mentioned that these butterflies you have
exhibit a distinctive "summer" and "winter" form. Where are they
from originally? If tropical then maybe humidity is a factor ("wet"
or "dry" season). But if they are from a more temperate region you
might find that photoperiod has a more profound influence. South
Africa is at about 30 degrees south lat. with a more mediterranean
climate; far enough south to make light a factor. Try a 8/16 ;
light/dark cycle with temperature and humidity similar to what the
butterfly finds in nature to get your blue forms. I'm sorry I don't
have specific references in front of me but it is something to think
about. I believe Jaret found this was a factor even in Florida,
which is slightly closer to the equator.
Good Luck, Richard
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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>I started developing a small butterfly farm, breeding mainly Precis
>octavia (Gaudy Commodore)
>for butterfly houses, private collectors, etc. Precis octavia exhibits
>an amazing extreme seasonal
>dimorphism. The summer form is a stunning red form, contrasting with the
>winter form, which is
>a gorgeous blue. My problem is that I want to control that appearance. I
>do not want to wait till winter to get the blue forms :-). I have tried
>low temperature to obtain blue forms but it doesn't work, I still get
>red ones. I found this seasonal dimorphism also in many other species of
>African Pierid and Nymphalids: Colotis danae, Colotis auxo, Precis
>natalica, Precis archesia, etc.
>I am about to run a series of expermients to determine the conditions
>that regulate the different
>forms. Maybe the fluctuation of day-night temperature could make it or
>just only the level of
>humidity or both. However, before doing something I would like to know
>how much is kown
>about this phenomena. Is there anyone who knows what are the right
>conditions to determine the
>different seasonal colouration in some species of butterflies?. Any
>scientific reference ?. When
>seasonal coloration is determined? during pupation or from caterpillar
>stage ?. Is there any crtitical
>period during methamorphosis that the larvae is sensitive to the
>external conditons enough to
>produce changes in colouration?
>Thank you in advance for any help.
> Please reply to americo at webmail.co.za
>Americo N. Bonkewitzz
>The Gaudy Commodore Butterfly Farm,
>P.O.Box 9
>Mkondeni, 3212
>South Africa
>e-mail: americo at webmail.co.za
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><p>I started developing a small butterfly farm, breeding
>mainly <i>Precis
>octavia</i> (Gaudy Commodore)
><br>for butterfly houses, private collectors, etc. <i>Precis octavia
>an amazing extreme seasonal
><br>dimorphism. The summer form is a stunning red form, contrasting with
>the winter form, which is
><br>a gorgeous blue. My problem is that I want to control that appearance.
>I do not want to wait till winter to get the blue forms :-). I have tried
>low temperature to obtain blue forms but it doesn't work, I still get red
>ones. I found this seasonal dimorphism also in many other species of African
>Pierid and Nymphalids: Colotis danae, Colotis auxo, Precis natalica, Precis
>archesia, etc.
><p>I am about to run a series of expermients to determine the conditions
>that regulate the different
><br>forms. Maybe the fluctuation of day-night temperature could make it
>or just only the level of
><br>humidity or both. However, before doing something I would like to know
>how much is kown
><br>about this phenomena. Is there anyone who knows what are the right
>conditions to determine the
><br>different seasonal colouration in some species of butterflies?. Any
>scientific reference ?. When
><br>seasonal coloration is determined? during pupation or from caterpillar
>stage ?. Is there any crtitical
><br>period during methamorphosis that the larvae is sensitive to the external
>conditons enough to
><br>produce changes in colouration?
><p>Thank you in advance for any help.
><br> Please reply to americo at webmail.co.za
><p>Americo N. Bonkewitzz
><br>The Gaudy Commodore Butterfly Farm,
><br>P.O.Box 9
><br>Mkondeni, 3212
><br>South Africa
><br>e-mail: americo at webmail.co.za
><br> </html>
Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at oda.state.or.us
(503) 986-6461
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