digital cameras

Jim Mason jmason at
Thu Feb 10 14:41:46 EST 2000

I will weigh in for the Sony Mavica line.  We have the FD 91 to use here,
and it a Swiss Army Camera.  This is the most expensive of the Mavica line,
but it has a real optical zoom (14X) rather than a digital one.  (Anybody
care to start a sub-thread on glass vs. digital?)  While it does not have
the greatest resolution available, it will macro down to 1 inch and has the
definite plusses of using floppies for the storage medium and taking mpeg
video (with sound) also.  Floppies are practically given away any more,
which makes them very attractive price-wise compared to smart cards, memory
sticks, etc.  You also don't need any extra ports, adapters, etc. to get the
images into your computer.  The 91 comes with MGI Photosuite SE, which is a
real snazzy piece of software for viewing and messing around with your
images.  It can be had for less than $900 off the web.

If you are wanting to publish in a print medium, you had better look for the
highest resolution camera you can afford.  But for web work and swapping
images via email, the Mavicas are a good choice.  One thing to remember
regarding megapixel cameras - can your printer effectively utilize all the
resolution you are buying?  Only the latest and greatest printers will be
able to print with the same detail as the megapixel cameras can capture.

Jim Mason, Naturalist
jmason at
(316) 683-5499 x103
Great Plains Nature Center
6232 E. 29th St. N.
Wichita, KS 67220-2200

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