Exchanges with Northern European Entomologists

Elisa Capucci elisa.capucci at
Wed Feb 23 14:42:24 EST 2000

Exchanges with northern european enthomoligist of polartic diurnal lepidopters into envelops or of prepareds of spawns and of chrysalids

    Since a very long time, i have been snaring and collecting of italian fauna and of neighbourning italian borders (expecially the french ones) diurnal and noctural lepidopters.
Now i feel like being vry interested in dealing with the ones of the north and of the outermost north of Europe (Scandinavia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, and Russland).
That's why i am looking forward to exchange enveloped lepidopters or prepareds or all sorts of informational material such as books, publications, etc.
I am quite sure it will start a very large co-operation.
I would ask also the one who takes an iterest in it to answer using preferably french or german or eventually english and naturally italian.

Best regards
Angelo Mazzotti
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