[uk-leps] Re: Times Jan 4 2000

Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Wed Jan 12 00:48:02 EST 2000

No-one has made the effort necassary to make common names consistent between
Britain/Europe and North America. There are a number of confusing
inconsistencies. However, these are COMMON names, names that are supposed to
be those used by common folk rather than scientists. So there is no reason
common names should be standardized between continents. I hope the mention
of senior/junior homonyms in relation to common names is a joke???? How
likely is there to be acceptance in North America to use "Small White"
instead of "Cabbage White" or "Cabbage Butterfly" in North America
(personally I would be happy to make the change, but only because I
understand the history of the names)?

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris J. Durden <drdn at mail.utexas.edu>
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: January 11, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [uk-leps] Re: Times Jan 4 2000

>>Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 00:39:18 -0600
>>To: jack.harrison at virgin.net
>>From: "Chris J. Durden" <drdn at mail.utexas.edu>
>>Subject: Re: [uk-leps] Re: Times Jan 4 2000
>>In-Reply-To: <387B6AB5.D0ACA23D at virgin.net>
>>References: < at csm.ex.ac.uk>
>>  That is why some of us here use THE SILVER FLASH as common name for
>*Epargyreus clarus* rather than the junior homonym SILVER SPOTTED SKIPPER!
>>Someone please tell the NABA names committee about this one please.
>>..........Chris Durden
>>At 05:39  11/01/00 +0000, you wrote:
>>>Andrew Torry wrote:
>>>>> From: Andrew Torry <A.P.K.Torry at csm.ex.ac.uk>
>>>>> Just a shame the TIMES couldn't get the Silver Spotted Skipper
>>>> right though.
>>>I have an American book in which the picture of their Silver Spotted
>Skipper is
>>>the species illustrated in the Times.  So the name was right, continent

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