Scientific name for social butterfly

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Thu Jan 13 02:42:15 EST 2000

At 01:36  13/01/00 -0500, you wrote:
>The other day I heard someone called a "social butterfly" for the first
>time, and my immediate thought was "lepidopterus socialis" -- but that
>can't be right, can it?  I mean, lepidoptera is an order, not a genus. 
>Can anyone help me out here?
>P.S. There aren't _really_ any social butterflies, are there?
Oh, yes there are - try *Eucheira socialis* - THE MADRONE BUTTERFLY that
lives with its young in tents.

For a conversational term *Papilio socialis* would be appropriate should we
choose to sink genera and follow Linne with all the butterflies in one
genus under the senior name.
.......Chris Durden

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