Scientific name for social butterfly

Louis Deaett ld001h at
Fri Jan 14 01:15:10 EST 2000

In article < at>,
drdn at wrote:

> >P.S. There aren't _really_ any social butterflies, are there?
> >
> >
> Oh, yes there are - try *Eucheira socialis* - THE MADRONE BUTTERFLY that
> lives with its young in tents.
> For a conversational term *Papilio socialis* would be appropriate should we
> choose to sink genera and follow Linne with all the butterflies in one
> genus under the senior name.
> .......Chris Durden

Thanks, Chris, and everyone else who responded!  This is exactly what I
was looking for!

But who is this Linne?  Is he some sort of entomologist?  What's the
"senior name"?  This is stuff is confusing to me;  I'm quite uninitiated.

-- Louis

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