Kelley Morgan odnsystems at
Thu Jan 13 16:39:42 EST 2000

I would love it is someone would email me or post a list of wholesalers/dealers
envoloped and dried butterflies like Anne Kilmer suggests.

Kelley Morgan
systems at

Anne Kilmer wrote:

> It is our habit to answer questions on the list if the reply is likely
> to interest a good many of our companions.
> A good many of us who were on this list while TK was holding forth set
> our computers to refuse any messages having his name in them, let alone
> messages from him, and it is our hope never to have to relive the
> incident.
> You would probably prefer to get your lists of dealers from someone who
> adheres scrupulously to the spirit and letter of the law, as I am sure
> you are a warm, sensitive, caring individual who would dislike jail.
> NABA has a preference for butterflies on the wing, and prefers not to
> lend a hand to one who wants them caged or cased.
> There is, however, a list specially for you, and I'm sure someone who
> remembers its name will provide it. May, in fact, already have done so.
> We have agreed, and keep agreeing, that there is no point arguing here
> about whether or not people should collect. Your private posters were
> probably hoping to avoid triggering yet another blast of opinions we
> have already heard.
> We have archives, in case you are curious.
> And Neil Jones has archived the entire TK incident, so that posterity
> can enjoy it. Still got that, Neil?
> Anne Kilmer
> South florida
> Kelley Morgan wrote:
> >
> > Thanks to all of you who sent me info on Thomas Kral. I now know why I
> > can't find him posting here anymore. I must say that I do not know him and
> > have never conversed with him.  I was looking to talk to him because he
> > seemed to know where to get dealer's list that I can't seem to find on the
> > net.
> >
> > If anyone knows of any sources to acquire info on dealer's list, I would be
> > very grateful.
> > Is the American Butterflies magazine a good source to dealer's not on the
> > net?
> > Or can anyone suggest other sources to locate wholesalers/dealers?
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> >
> > One a side note: Is it not courteous to reply via this newsgroup? Since
> > every reply I have gotten has been by email.

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