Social Butterfly + another angle on Common names

Mark Walker MWalker at
Fri Jan 14 13:17:41 EST 2000

What a wonderful use of this medium.

Thanks, Doug.  I just know there are many people out there who subscribed
hoping to get this sort of info.  Too bad "we" don't offer it more

Mark Walker
(still raining down here...)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stelenes at [mailto:Stelenes at]
> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2000 9:14 AM
> To: ld001h at; leps-l at
> Subject: Social Butterfly + another angle on Common names
> >>But who is this Linne?  Is he some sort of entomologist?  What's the
> >>"senior name"?  This is stuff is confusing to me;  I'm 
> quite uninitiated.
> >>-- Louis
> Linné is the common name for Carolus Linnaeus who was also 
> known as Karl 
> Linné.  He's the Swedish guy who started the scientific 
> naming system using 
> Latin words in the 1735.  In 1761 he was knighted by the 
> Swedish Royal family 
> and made his name change official to Carl von Linné.  
> However, Linnaeus is 
> the senior scientific name!
> His system is called a binomial naming because Linneaus 
> proposed a complete 
> name has a 'genus' and a 'species'.  He also proposed higher 
> orders of 
> organization like Lepidoptera (Order), Insecta (Class), 
> Kingdom (Animalia).  
> Or for example, also: Kingdom - Animal; Class - Vertebrates; Order - 
> Primates: (Genus species): Homo sapiens for ourselves, 
> commonly known as: 
> Man, Mankind, Humankind, Smart Homonid, People, etc. (Perhaps 
> someone will 
> decide we should have a Standardized Common Name. - the word 
> standardized is 
> key here since all common names are valid, but that is 
> another thread in the 
> group, in case this happens, I propose: Common Homo, after 
> mulling over 
> Birding and NABA logic).
> Linneaus was a taxonomist.  He is often considered the father 
> of taxonomy.  
> Though Aristotle has a claim to that title, too.  I am not 
> sure if Linneaus 
> considered himself specifically an entomologist, he loved 
> botany and became a 
> physician because he didn't want to disappoint his Mom and 
> Dad (A priest and 
> gardener, who was sad his son didn't take the high road).  We 
> should consider 
> him a Lepidopterist too, since he gave all kinds of organisms 
> names including 
> lots of beautiful butterflies from the Old World and the New, 
> in his 10th 
> edition of the book, Systema Naturæ.  His work was in Latin 
> since it was the 
> prevailing scientific language at the time. 
> 'Senior' and 'Junior' in this case are science talk for Latin 
> names made up 
> by the first person to describe the butterfly or its genus.  
> The way a 
> scientist 'invents' a scientific name is by publishing it in 
> a scientific 
> magazine.  Once upon a time before the age of communication, 
> internet and 
> photography and during longer publication cycles, different 
> scientists could 
> have been in a situation where they published their names for 
> the same 
> organism or genus.  So whoever published first gets credit 
> for the name and 
> that name beats out any subsequent or 'junior' names 
> published later.  
> Now in the age of internet it is questionable whether Leps-L 
> is sufficiently 
> scientific to 'publish' a name of a new species here.  Also, 
> as the consensus 
> of butterfly scientists learns more, one butterfly can be 
> lumped as the same 
> species as another (then the name becomes subject to the 
> senior name), in 
> which case the newer name gets tossed.  Or a butterfly can be 
> split and a new 
> scientific name given to the new species which previously was 
> thought to be 
> just a form or "subspecies" of the other.  Also, the 
> scientist who describes 
> it first forever gets associated with it.  To Illustrate this 
> we are Homo 
> sapiens (Linneaus, 1758), if Linneaus first described us to 
> taxonomy in 1758. 
>  But generally, you don't see the (Linneaus), (L), or (Linne) 
> following our 
> species (assuming Linneaus was the one), as is the custom for 
> many scientists 
> for other species.  Perhaps because we subconsciously 
> consider ourselves 
> above Leps and other organisms to reference a discoverer or 
> namer of our 
> species.  Or a more homocentric view: We are well known so no 
> reference is 
> needed.  Maybe - unless we are lumped with some apes.  
> Finally, if no one 
> thought to give Common Homo a standardized name before, the 
> same rules 
> applied to senior/junior to standardized common names as do 
> to scientific 
> names, and Leps-L were sufficiently scientific, then folks 
> would be stuck 
> with Common Homo as a name.  (If the Amymone or Di-morphic 
> Bark Wing could 
> speak.) 
> About your first question, one real social butterfly a tad 
> closer to home is 
> the Lyside (Kricogonia lyside [Godart,1819: Colias lyside.  
> In 1863 Reakirt 
> 'split' the genus and named it Kricogonia which Mark Walker 
> knows how to 
> pronounce]).  If you ever sat in the Texas desert watching 
> them you would see 
> them rapidly forming lines of ten or more butterflies, 
> darting, curving about 
> in follow the leader style among the yucca.  The Eucheira 
> socialis certainly 
> has social caterpillars, so it might be more descriptively 
> named the Social 
> Caterpillar.  While it is the same organism in different 
> parts of the life 
> cycle, butterfly in common usage refers only to the adult 
> winged form of the 
> bug.  I doubt the Eucheira socialis butterfly is social in 
> that sense, but 
> someone more familiar with the species' behavior might comment.
> Another candidate, and in my opinion the most social 
> butterfly is the eternal 
> favorite, Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexxipus, (Linnaeus, 
> 1758: Papilio 
> plexxipus.;  In 1844, Kluk created Danaus by splitting it 
> from Papilio)].  It 
> is hard to argue that traveling thousands of miles to form 
> clumps of millions 
> of butterflies for months is not the clear winner for social 
> tendencies!
> Hope the babbling is entertaining.  Best wishes and happy 
> butterflying.  Doug 
> Dawn.
> Woodland, CA
> Monterrey, Mexico
> Thanks, Chris, and everyone else who responded!  This is 
> exactly what I
> was looking for!
> But who is this Linne?  Is he some sort of entomologist?  What's the
> "senior name"?  This is stuff is confusing to me;  I'm quite 
> uninitiated.
> -- Louis
> Subj:    Re: Scientific name for social butterfly
> Date:   1/13/00 10:36:29 PM Pacific Standard Time
> From:   ld001h at (Louis Deaett)
> Sender: owner-leps-l at
> Reply-to:   <A 
> HREF="mailto:ld001h at">ld001h at mail.rochester.e
> du</A>
> To: leps-l at
> In article < at>,
> drdn at wrote:
> > >P.S. There aren't _really_ any social butterflies, are there?
> > >
> > >
> > Oh, yes there are - try *Eucheira socialis* - THE MADRONE 
> > lives with its young in tents.
> > 
> > For a conversational term *Papilio socialis* would be 
> appropriate should we
> > choose to sink genera and follow Linne with all the 
> butterflies in one
> > genus under the senior name.
> > .......Chris Durden

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