CO2 mosquito traps

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Tue Jan 18 03:20:44 EST 2000

If these traps become widespread there are going to be a lot of hungry
little birds.

At 09:35  18/01/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Interestingly along these lines, I recently was contacted by someone who
>has apparently *FINALLY* developed an honest-to-goodness mosquito trap that
>ONLY kills mosquitoes, and kills them by the thousands. If the data is to
>be believed (and I have no reason to think it's faked), then every outdoor
>UV bug zapper in the world should be tossed in the trash and replaced with
>one of these CO2-emitting beauties.
>The test results are at, and
>indicate that a single trap can haul in over 7000 skeeters a night, with an
>incidental bycatch of maybe 40 non-mosquitoes: the exact *opposite* of a UV
>light zapper. So why has it taken so long for someone to develop this?
>Doug Yanega        Dept. of Entomology         Entomology Research Museum
>Univ. of California - Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521

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