search for bombardier beetle

mathia mathia at
Thu Jan 27 03:39:04 EST 2000

    I'm Mathia and I am a student from the Department of Biological
Sciences, National University of Singapore. Currently we are working on
a research project that calls for examination of a beetle, the
Bombardier beetle. However, this insect is not found in Singapore. I was
wondering if anyone could supply this insect to us as it is a native of
North America and Europe. If possible, we would like it in 4 - 6 weeks
and we would be happy to make the appropriate arrangements with regards
to permits for import of the speciments. We would appreciate it if
anyone could reply as soon as possible, hopefully with a price qoutation
for about 50 specimens.
Mathia Lee ( mathia at

Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
Contact no. : 9737 7443(mobile  phone)

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