Trip Photographs

Neil Jones attacus at
Sat Jul 8 11:31:00 EDT 2000

Hi Folks,

I have made it to the USA and I have started to put some of the photographs
I have taken
on the web. I have only just got it working so not everything is there yet.
So far I have seen a few interesting butterflies.
The Funereal Duskywing Erynis funeralis
some Tiger Swallowtails as I have been driving around.
a monarch sitting on the road surface.
The Marine Blue. (Leptotes marina)
Acmon blue (Icaricia acmon)
The Silver Spotted Skipper (Epargereus clarus.)
The very rare and endangered Sacramento Mountains Checkerspot
(Euphydyras anicia cloudcrofti)
The web site is at:


So far only the first day when I only saw the duskywing and a few shots
from the second
including the gorgeous checkerspot are there.
I have been having a few technical problems.

Neil Jones
Pueblo, Colorado
AKA neil at
Please reply to attacus at 

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