Phyciodes batesii

Daniel Glaeske at
Wed Jul 12 13:18:40 EDT 2000

Chris J. Durden wrote:

> Can you summarize the present and historic status of *Phyciodes batesii* in
> New Jersey and adjacent areas for the rest of us. Has the southern
> periphery of the range declined due to warming?
>   45 years ago this species was locally common at a number of sites in the
> Ottawa Valley. I raised it several times on fleabane. Where I have seen it
> in Montana and Colorado it has been restricted to subalpine habitats around
> treeline.
> ..........Chris Durden

Here in extreme southern Saskatchewan, <P. batesii> is most likely to be found
on northern wooded plateau slopes.  I have also seen it on heavily wooded
slopes of the  Cypress Hills.  Last year, I saw several puddling alongside a
spring in relatively deep shade on a northern slope.  I have yet to see it on
the prairies below or above the coulees.  .

Daniel Glaeske
St. Victor, SK, Canada

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