Arizona mothing

BMW60 bmw60 at
Mon Jul 17 18:56:31 EDT 2000

Well folks, the show is in full swing.   A little trip to the Hauchuca
Mountains challenging a near full moon turned out great.  Little or no wind and
no clouds still yeilded the following;

Eacles oslari (in great numbers)
Citheronia splendons
Antherea oculea
Eupackardia calleta
Automeris cecrops pamina
Anisota oslari
Sphingicampa raspa

The Sphinx numbers arent up yet.  Just the usual mainstream stuff;

Manduca quinquemaculata
Manduca sexta
Xylophanes falco (in healthy numbers)
Sphinx dolii
Manduca muscosa
Manduca florestan
Hyles lineata
Paonias myops

All in all, a pretty good night considering its still to early in the season
and a full moon.  Our rains came three weeks early but I feel its still more of
a timing thing. Box Canyon a few days earlier also had Hylaphora gloveri and
Sphingicampa hubbardi.  Tonight we challenge the Full moon at Pena Blanca and
beyond.  We'll see what happens.  Happy Mothing from Bill at BMW60 

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