Mt. Graham, AZ Field trip

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Tue Jul 18 00:32:55 EDT 2000

On Saturday, July 15, the SouthEastern Arizona Butterfly Association
(SEABA) had its monthly field trip to the cool green heights of Mt.
Graham near Safford, Arizona.  The weather was beautiful until around
2:00 PM when a refreshing thunderstorm ended the trip.  We would like to
thank Doug Mullins of Tucson for leading the trip.  Species seen:

Pipevine Swallowtail (B. philenor)
Western Tiger Swallowtail (P. rufulus)
Two-tailed Swallowtail (P. multicaudatus)
Checkered White (P. protodice)
Clouded Sulphur (C. philodice)
Orange Sulphur (C. eurytheme)
Cloudless Sulphur (P. sennae)
Gray Hairstreak (S. melinus)
Spring Azure (C. ladon)
Reakirt's Blue (H. isola)
Marine Blue (L. marina)
Atlantis Fritillary (S. atlantis)  There were hundreds of these in the
meadow behind the Forest Service Visitor Center at 9,000'- all fresh
males.  Some of the the flower heads of Cow Parsnip had up to five
individuals nectaring at once.
Mylitta Crescent (P. mylitta)
Satyr Comma (P. satyrus)
Mourning Cloak (N. antiopa)
American Lady (V. virginiensis)
Painted Lady (V. cardui)
West Coast Lady (V. annabella)
California Sister (A. bredowii)
Red-spotted Purple (L. a. astyanax)
Silver-spotted Skipper (E. clarus)
Golden-banded Skipper (A. cellus)
Northern Cloudywing (T. pylades)
Caicus Skipper (C. caicus)
Common Branded Skipper (H. comma)
Taxiles Skipper (P. taxiles)
Bronze Roadside-Skipper (A. aenus)
	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                    Lat: 31.450, Long: 110.267
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

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