FWD: Announcing PERMIT-L

Mike Quinn MQnature at HILINE.NET
Wed Jul 26 09:19:38 EDT 2000


Date:         Mon, 24 Jul 2000 17:12:25 -0400
From: Sally Shelton <Shelton.Sally at NMNH.SI.EDU>
Subject:      Announcing PERMIT-L

PERMIT-L is a moderated cross-disciplinary listserv, hosted
by the Smithsonian Institution, intended to facilitate
discussion and information flow on all issues related to the
rapidly changing terrain of biological collecting, permits,
access, and import/export transactions.

To join, send email to LISTSERV at SIVM.SI.EDU. No subject is
required. In the body, issue the command:

Subscribe PERMIT-L Firstname Surname

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