
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Wed Jul 26 12:07:03 EDT 2000

The point was brought up that the Park should not have released info on
the infractions mentioned.
Let me give you some background.
First of all NO NAMES were given to me of the people cited.  Secondly
this information was given to me in the context of constant discussion
by one of the park personnel - not the arresting officer - whom I have
worked with the Park - regarding this entire collecting matter.  This
came to a head last summer as some of you may remember when tweezers
were used to handle a live specimen of the second US record of a
butterfly found at the this Park.  This was done by a butterfly expert
on a field trip.  I think I argued succesfully with that person that
this was no worse than us picking up a beetle, looking at it and putting
it down as we had done on a bird banding project in the Park when this
person was present.  But please - just in case - don't use tweezers in
the Parks either!
So - to summarise - what I heard was not a rumor.  No names were
mentioned to me.  The only reason I posted this at all was to beg folks
to use common sense in what was presented to me as a flagrant breaking
of Park rules.  
With all the discussions regarding collecting - I still find it
immpossible to believe that no one in Doug's group  realised that they
were on National Park land.  There are signs at both ends of the road.
And we are taking Doug's word as to what actually happened just as much
as I took the work of the person who originally told me.  Could there
not have been shades of subjective exaggeration on both sides?


	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                    Lat: 31.450, Long: 110.267
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

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