update on Cecropias

NewtChris newtchris at aol.com
Thu Jul 27 03:02:20 EDT 2000

After loosing 95% of the cecropias I hatched' after an incredibly stupid
rose/aphid/un-washed hands episode this spring, I am left with 15 incredibly
large and healthy 5th instar larvae.  

Are they a few lucky individuals, or are they in some way resistant to Ortho's
diazonon?  Should I exspect future developmental malformities durring
metamorphasis and adulthood? Or, have these individuals passed the point of
danger?  Any theories are welcome.  I'll keep the group posted as to the

Thanks Chris


you can't wash your hands enough when handling lepodoptera. Esp before feeding
and between boxes(or whatever container system you use). 

Happy bugging all!!!  :)

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