Arizona Mothing on 26 July

Neil Reimer nreimer at
Fri Jul 28 15:01:57 EDT 2000

Doug Yanega <dyanega at> wrote in article 
> It's been recorded there before, and one of our group caught one there at
> Pena Blanca on the 24th, so it may not be *the* catch of the decade after
> least not for that locality. I'll add that I have never
> a single area so packed with groups of people running lights for bugs as
> this past weekend at Pena Blanca. Those poor moths... ;-)
Sounds like times have changed.   I ran lights down in that area in the
late 60's and early 70's and it seemed like there were no people around. 
But, if any people were in the area they would come by to check out what I
was up to.  Seems like the lights brought in the people in the area as well
as the bugs.  But yes the moths and other insects that came in down there
were incredible (some great memories of my teen years).

aloha,  Neil Reimer

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