Pronuba in Western Canada

Citheronia at Citheronia at
Sun Jul 30 21:53:09 EDT 2000

Hello all,

I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but where I live sometimes 
my sheet will be covered in N. pronuba. That happened last year, but I"ve 
been lucky so far this year. Some nights I swear there could have been 500 or 
so of them all over the sheet, as well as flying in swarms around barn lights 
around the area. They also covered up my Buddlei bush (the flower parts 
anyhow), making it hard to find Catocala hiding about. The hundreds that 
decided to cover my sheet every night wasn't the entire problem: the bunch of 
them flying about smacking into my  head was annoying too. Perhaps they were 
sent here to form some sort of militia to protect the other moths? Or did 
they just take advantage of their welcome? I was just wondering if anyone 
else has had a problem collecting because of these little critters.

Randy Lyttle
Hannibal, NY

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