Bfly & Moth differences

Heath Fred Heath at
Tue Jun 6 15:52:00 EDT 2000

	I heard there was a spin off of NABA which was called NAMA.
Unfortunately, they had a tough time since really close focus infrared
binoculars for the micro moth field trips have not been perfected. 

-----Original Message-----
From: anne kilmer [mailto:viceroy at]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 5:45 PM

As a matter of fact, we do make moth gardens, festooned with
night-blooming cacti and datura types, white petunias and so forth. 
My hot tub is intoxicating in the evening when the brugmansia is
And I have deliberately given Virginia creeper and other comestibles
leave to dangle, along with other host plants. 
But in general, I suppose you are right. 
Let us address this problem, designing exciting gardens for every
climate. Perhaps NABA could be persuaded to pitch in? 
Anne Kilmer
south Florida and Mayo.

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