Eastern Europe

Jeffrey A. Caldwell ecosys at pacbell.net
Thu Jun 15 21:09:31 EDT 2000

I just remembered another web site that is a gateway to the biology of eastern
Europe [all Europe],  especially for Lepidoptera, "Saturniidae of the Western
Palaearctic" [which has recently changed address]:
check out the references [which include German works] and the web links; there
is also a link to Pittaway's "Sphingidae of the western Palaearctic" for

A beautiful web site with some relevance is "Moths and Butterflies of  Europe":
http://web.tiscalinet.it/leps/   or
http://space.tin.it/scienza/silivoc/  or

Click on the families under the table of contents to get into the pictures and

Jeffrey A. Caldwell

Patricia and Jeff Harding wrote:

> My daughter, Katie Harding, has plans to work in Poland this summer, in
> Krakow, in Environmental Toxicology. She just finished her undergraduate
> education, with degrees in Biology and Entomology at Oregon State
> University. Are there good field guides she should have, to insects,
> lepidoptera, or general natural history, covering Poland, or Eastern Europe,
> in English, or as a second choice, German?
> Patricia and Jeff Harding

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