Plant pest or biological control

Linda Rogers llrogers at
Fri Jun 16 15:06:12 EDT 2000

At 02:25 PM 6/16/2000 EDT, Stelenes at wrote:
In a message dated 6/16/00 10:24:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
viceroy at writes:

Speaking of the need for butterfly-pest regulations:

What we fall back on, with these regulations, is the bottom-line
question: What if everybody wanted to do it. 

	There's no chance of that ever happening.
	Too much work, too little pay, high stress.
	You have to really love what you're doing
	(breeding butterflies) to get up at 5 a.m.
	and work at least 10 to 12 hours at it,
	to produce any volume at all.  Or, if you
	have a day job and have a small butterfly
	raising operation, then after work all of
	your free time is completely taken.  

	Dr. Jay McRoberts, retired orthopaedic
	surgeon and current tree farmer and butterfly
	breeder said it so well "Never have I had
	so much fun working so many hours making
	so little money."

	Linda Rogers
	IBBA Member

"There is a soul force in the Universe, which,
    if we allow it, will flow through us 
       and produce miraculous results."
                       			- Gandhi -

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