Con Man - Translation was Estafador suelto

Neil Jones Neil at
Thu Jun 22 11:29:27 EDT 2000

In article <8it7al$9kb$1 at>
           jgarcia at "Jose Garcia" writes:

Translation follows

>     Quiero advertir a todos los interesados en la compra de lepidópteros
> tropicales (Ornithoptera y Troides fundamentalmente), que un individuo
> llamado DAVID RODA MARCO de Barcelona, ha envíado por correo a todos los
> miembros de SHILAP una atractiva lista de especies a la venta. Esta persona
> en realidad ES UN LADRON, que exige el pago por adelantado y luego
> desaparece, llega incluso a enviar contra reembolso paquetes vacios.
>     Si alguien ha recibido su lista y está en tratos con este sinverguenza,
> que evite enviar cantidad alguna de dinero si no quiere ser estafado.
>     Espero que este mensaje evite alguna estafa, aunque en España me consta
> que ya son varios los afectados.
>     Un saludo.
>     José García

I cannot substantiate the allegations made in this message. I would welcome
further comment as to their veracity. However given the severity of the
claims, the fact that the advertisement referred to may have had wider
circulation, and my experience that many native English speakers are monoglots,
I offer a rough translation of what has been said to warn others.
(A translation might also facilitate a refuation.)

I have not spoken any Spanish for several years so my expertise is
limited but here goes.

" I want to warn all those interested in the trade of tropical lepidoptera
( fundamentally Troides and Ornithoptera) that an individual called DAVID RODA
MARCO of Barcelona, has mailed to all the  members of SHILAP (A Society)
an attractive list of species for sale. This person in reality IS A THIEF
who asks for payment in advance then disappears, this includes sending 
empty parcels as payment on delivery.

If anyone has received his list and is dealing with this scoundrel,
avoid sending any sum of money if you do not wish to be swindled.

I hope that this message will prevent anyone form being swindled, although
in Spain I am sure that there are now several affected people."

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve

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